Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Huntington Beach and Sunburns

So, a week before Josh and left Las Vegas for good ol' Provo...we went on a five day vacation to California with my family! It was SO much fun! The beach was amazing and we ate somewhere good every night! The fighting and arguing between my siblings was kept to a minimum so it wasn't bad. lol. They behaved pretty well.  Josh and I shared a room with Melissa and everyone else was in another room. We mainly went to our favorite beach, Huntington.  We went there Thursday and Saturday. Friday we went to San Clamente...WARNING don't ever go there! It sucked. Really. Tons of nasty seaweed in the water and the sand was full of rocks. Not fun. Saturday came and we were happily back at Huntington.  Josh and I had been careful to put enough sunscreen on everyday. But this day we were out at the beach a lot longer than we had been before. Did we think to re apply the sunscreen? No. So, we paid for it with pain.  Josh was burned a lot worse than I was but it still hurt! Now you can enjoy all the fun pictures!

At Shaky's Pizza!

Joe boogie boarding!

Digging in the sand

I remember when Melissa was baby...she LOVED to play
in the sand. And look! She still does! lol

We buried dad! Ha!

Josh being weird. lol

Mom and Pop

Aren't we lovely?

Me and my Joshy
AND...the sunburns...

Fun times! Josh peeled like a snake shedding it's skin. But i'll spare you the visuals. ;)

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