Friday, March 18, 2011

My First Cornish Game Hen

Josh has always wanted to try a Cornish Game Hen. We bought one earlier that week and on Friday March 11th, 2011 I conquered my first Game Hen! It turned out beautifully and it was so yummy. :)
The Menu consisted of a Lemon and Rosemary Cornish Game Hen, lemon and garlic mashed potatoes, and glazed carrots.
I've always wanted to do a step by step of how to make something so here's my first attempt!

The ingredients and Mise en Place...

The Hen is ready for the oven!

The Sauce I basted the chicken with every 15 minutes...

The Bird is almost done!

The FINAL result!

The Cook and her Taster!:P

And what both of our plates look like afterward...:)

Josh took his first bite and looked at me with wide eyes and said, " This is BOMB!" lol It turned out pretty dang good then! :) And I had a lot of fun making it! If you want to know exactly how I made it I would be more than happy to share it with you! Just let me know!


  1. I thought I was a good cook, but you put me to shame! That looks so delicious!!! I wish you lived by me so you could teach me your cooking skills...well, that, AND invite us over for dinner! hahaa You are so cute!

  2. Wow! This is impressive, Shelb! Super cute blog, by the way :) Love you!

  3. I think we used that same recipe for my birthday!! But it was super yummy!!

  4. Wow. Thanks Patti!! A compliment from you about food REALLY means something to me...:)
