Friday, January 28, 2011

Love, Love, Love...

So, obviously I haven't posted for a LONG time...( I don't think anyone really follows my blog anyways) Josh and I are now living at Wymount Terrace in Provo, UT! Crazy, I know. So far we are loving it. At least I know I am! Neither of us have jobs yet and to be honest, I like it this way. But of course in order to live and have food, we need money therefore we need jobs! :/ Darn. I've put in an application for Sunflower Market, Cold Stone and Great Harvest. Josh has applied at Nu Skin. We'll see what we get! I love having so much time with Josh to myself though. LOVE it. He is my sunshine. He makes everything better. I love him so much. I love being at home making dinner and having him come home from school with it all being ready or prepared. I just love being his wife! Could I say love one more time? lol Anyways, Josh is in class right now and I'm just sitting in the basement of the library until he gets done, which should be soon. Today is Friday and I am happy!

1 comment:

  1. Hey you! I didn't know you had a blog! FUN! I'm excited to be able to check it and see what is going on in your life!

    So the info for my new one is: Hope you likey!

    Also, I love that your profile name is Shleby. It made me smile! :)
