Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our New Little Friend...

Three weeks ago I started baby sitting for a girl that I visit teach. Her name is Mary Herrington, although her maiden name is McDonald therefore this makes her cooler than she always is. ;) She had her baby boy on February 20th. His name is Timothy Jacob Herrington and he is one of the cutest babies I've ever laid my eyes on! I just love him! I watch him three days a week for at least 6 hours a day. And what is really neat and kind of surprising is that Josh loves him too! Josh normally doesn't like babies or kids. I'm sure a lot of guys are like this but...he says he'll like our OWN kids, but anyone elses not so much. But this baby has cast some sort of spell over Josh. Josh is in love with this baby! He'll come home from work or school and say, " I want one!" or "Look at this cute little bundle of joy!" He's even gotten use to holding baby Tim and picking him up by himself. Before, Josh would REFUSE to hold a baby. Now, he doesn't even need any coaxing from me! And to make it even better Tim loves Josh back! Every time Josh comes home or gives Tim some attention Tim's face just lights up and he's smiley and happy and he giggles! It is the most adorable thing ever!! And the plus here is that it's making Josh want his own. :D I've been waiting for this. We like to call Tim "Tiny Tim." Josh started it by the way. So, without further adieu, I present to you Tiny Tim!...


  1. hahaa that last picture is AWESOME!

  2. Shelby I didn't even know that you had a blog! Yeah! I love to follow fellow bloggers:) It is a perfect way to keep up. So now you have one more fan:) love ya!

  3. aww he is adorable! However, i find something quite weird lol. My mother-in-law made the exact same blanket as that and it has green backing like that too! oh, and he has that same bouncer! weird...haha
    Im glad Josh is starting to get baby hungry! I wanna see a little baby shelby/josh! love you and miss you! :)
