Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our New Little Friend...

Three weeks ago I started baby sitting for a girl that I visit teach. Her name is Mary Herrington, although her maiden name is McDonald therefore this makes her cooler than she always is. ;) She had her baby boy on February 20th. His name is Timothy Jacob Herrington and he is one of the cutest babies I've ever laid my eyes on! I just love him! I watch him three days a week for at least 6 hours a day. And what is really neat and kind of surprising is that Josh loves him too! Josh normally doesn't like babies or kids. I'm sure a lot of guys are like this but...he says he'll like our OWN kids, but anyone elses not so much. But this baby has cast some sort of spell over Josh. Josh is in love with this baby! He'll come home from work or school and say, " I want one!" or "Look at this cute little bundle of joy!" He's even gotten use to holding baby Tim and picking him up by himself. Before, Josh would REFUSE to hold a baby. Now, he doesn't even need any coaxing from me! And to make it even better Tim loves Josh back! Every time Josh comes home or gives Tim some attention Tim's face just lights up and he's smiley and happy and he giggles! It is the most adorable thing ever!! And the plus here is that it's making Josh want his own. :D I've been waiting for this. We like to call Tim "Tiny Tim." Josh started it by the way. So, without further adieu, I present to you Tiny Tim!...

Monday, April 11, 2011

April Showers and Other Friends :)

General Conference weekend was an exciting one this year! Mitchell and his girlfriend (now fiance) came to visit. And my favorite cousin Andrew Grossman who brought along his friend Keith. Mitchell and Whitney stayed with Mitch's brother and Andrew and Keith stay in our guest bedroom. The boys all went to the Preisthood session together and then afterwards we all went out for dinner! We went to Zupas for dinner and then stopped at Sammy's to try their well known pie shakes!

The price for the pie shakes were a little high but after tasting one it was well worth it!!

Here's the whole gang squished into the small Sammy's shop!
(left to right)- Josh, me, Whiteny, Mitchell, Keith, Andrew

The boys shared gas explosions with each other in the car ride home but other than that I had a lot of fun and I hope everyone else did too! ( so gross)

Now the April shower part...more like snow storm! lol It snowed. In APRIL!! I guess it happens here in Provo but I'm a Las Vegan! It's weird! But don't get me wrong, I LOVE it. I really do. I have not gotten sick of it yet, as people say I will. I don't think I will though. I always get super excited. Just ask Josh.

;) Sadly Andrew and Keith only brought shorts and flip flops for casual wear so they were freezing their butts off! I'm not gonna lie though, I found it pretty entertaining! I loved having Andrew stay with us. He is one awesome guy and a great friend and cousin. I miss seeing him! So I was really happy to have him staying with us. The combination of Josh and I with Andrew can get pretty hilarious. I love it. It was also good to see Mitchell! He is JOsh's best friend therefore he is like my brother and I miss him too! lol I really liked Whiteny. We got along really well...which is good because they are now getting married! So, with conference and everything else that went down it was a really good weekend!